Looking for an easy recycled art activity for kids? This cardboard craft is just the treat you are looking for!
Following my son’s lead has led to some great adventures and some amazing art activities.
Hot summer days and visits to our local farmer’s market have been inspiring his play lately.
When he asked for us to create a play ice cream truck together, it was the perfect opportunity to transform our cardboard recycling pile into some magic.
We transformed a laundry basket into a truck with a few pieces of cardboard and crafted some tasty treats with a few more.
Here’s how we created ice cream treat crafts out of cardboard.
- Cardboard
- Markers
- Scissors
- Popsicle sticks
- Glue gun*
- Stickers (optional)
*As with any project posted on my blog, this craft is intended to be done under adult supervision
- Draw the outline of popsicle and ice cream sandwich treats onto your cardboard.
- Use a scissor to carefully cut out the shapes.
- Use marker to color in your ice cream treats.
- Use hot glue to attach the upper half of a popsicle stick to the back of each cardboard treat.
- Once the glue has set, add stickers to create sprinkles.

Looking for another project to celebrate the season of summer? Check out this blog post on creating firework prints with recycled paper tubes.
Needing another recycled art project? Check out these Recycled Art Centers for Kids. The lesson plan includes three recycled art projects perfect for early elementary students.