Warm weather means lots of hikes and trips to the park. Make these outings extra special by documenting your adventures through observational drawings on a portable easel!
A century ago, drawing was a required course for all science majors. Yes. It was seen as an essential skill that scientists be able to communicate their findings and ideas with others through drawing.
Observational drawings help us to slow down and truly notice the details. It provides us the opportunity to deepen our understanding (and curiosity) of the objects we choose to draw.
This little easel craft is the perfect tool to inspire your child to create observational drawings- whether that be indoors or outdoors!
- Camera template (download my free template here)
- Sheet of tagboard or cardboard
- Scissors
- Hole punch
- Length of string (I recommend 20″)
- Sticky-notes
- Crayon in a color that will be visible on your tagboard/cardboard
- Print and cut out the camera template.
- Trace the camera’s outline onto your sheet of tagboard or cardboard.
- Use your crayon to add camera details to one side of your tagboard/cardboard camera. Some ideas for details include buttons, lens, and a viewfinder.
- Cut out your tagboard/cardboard camera.
- Use the hole punch to place two holes near the top of your camera.
- Thread your string through the holes to create a neck strap and tie in place.
- Attach a sticky note to the blank side of your camera-shaped easel and get drawing.

Looking for another STEAMy art project for your kindergarten or first grade child? Check out this Magnet Painting Project and this
Clay Nature Tracker Project.