Want to teach your kids to sew? Start it off with these cardboard snowflake stitch cards!
Sewing is such an important practical life skill. Kids who can sew can repair basic holes and tears in clothing, as well as create new objects. Sewing builds fine motor skills, teaches kids the pattern of over-and-under, and is an important skill to have as an adult!
Here’s how we made these sweet snowflake stitching cards.
- Cardboard
- Scissors
- Permanent marker
- Hole punch
- Shoestring, yarn, or pipe cleaners
- Use scissors to cut cardboard into snowflake shapes.
- Use a permanent marker to add lines and shapes to your snowflake.
- Use a hole punch to punch holes along the outside of your cardboard snowflake.
- Provide your child with a shoestring or piece of yarn, then have them thread it through the snowflake stitch cards. One modification you can make is using a pipe cleaner to thread. Pipe cleaners may make stitching more accessible for young artists.

Looking for another stitching card activity? Check out this Farm-Themed Activity Pack for kids. It contains 10 easy, low-prep activities – including printable farm-themed stitching cards!
Needing another winter craft to keep the kids busy and warm? Check out this blog post on creating deer masks out of cardboard. All you need for this project is cardboard, a marker, and some crayons. Seriously. That is all.
Happy creating, friends!