Indoor Snow Play – A Simple Sensory Activity

Indoor Snow Play _ Children Playing _ Abbie Ulstad _ GGH

Encourage your child’s exploration of our world with this easy snow play sensory activity!

Children are so eager to explore the world we live in.

Looking. Questioning. Tasting. Touching.

Harness your child’s natural curiosity with this simple sensory activity for kids.

It’s so simple to set up, I almost feel silly sharing it here on the blog. Here’s how we did this snow play activity.


  • Dish of snow
  • Towels
  • Trays or cake pans
  • Assortment of “doo-dads” (gems, stones, pipe cleaners, etc.)


  1. Lay out a towel (or two!) on your chosen work surface.
  2. Set out a dish of snow alongside a tray/cake pan, and an assortment of “doo-dads.”
  3. Invite your child to explore the texture of the snow. A great prompt to start creative play is inviting children to create a miniature snow person.
Indoor Snow Play _ Material Flat Lay _ Abbie Ulstad _ GGH
Indoor Snow Play _ Items for Play _ Abbie Ulstad _ GGH
Indoor Snow Play _ Children Playing _ Abbie Ulstad _ GGH

Here are a few additional tips to make indoor snow play a successful time for both you and your child:

  • Less is more! Start out with a small container of the fluffy stuff. I recommend using a container around the size of a cool-whip container. You can always get more, but too much ends up being overwhelming and messy
  • A tiled floor serves as a great work space for snow play
  • Some ideas of doo-dads to add to your snow play would be pipe cleaners, popsicle sticks, spoons, gems, and foam shapes. Get creative!

Looking for another activity to explore snow and ice with your children? Check out this blog post on creating botanical sun catchers with ice.

Needing more winter-themed activities for kids? Check out the Winter Solstice Activity pack for kids. All activities in the activity pack not only align with the National Arts Standards, but are also designed to intentionally develop your child’s critical thinking skills, visual literacy, and prepare them for the big task of handwriting.

Happy creating!

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