How to Paint with Flowers With Your Kids

Flower Painting _ Completed Painting with Materials _ Abbie Ulstad _ GGH

Don’t toss your old bouquet! Create beautiful flower paintings instead!

Painting with flowers is a great way to explore the natural textures of flower blossoms, and is a fun way to breathe new life into a lifeless bouquet.

This process-based art project uses flower petals as a paintbrush. Every blossom leaves a different mark!

With just some washable paint, construction paper, and your old bouquet of flowers, you and your kids can create beautiful flower paintings.

Here’s how we did it.


  • Flowers
  • Construction paper
  • Washable paint (I recommend using 2 or 3 colors)
  • Paper plate or plastic lid


  1. Place a few dollops of washable paint onto your paper plate or plastic lid.
  2. Dip the head of a flower into some paint and then press it onto your construction paper.
  3. Repeat, painting with the flowers until you have created an arrangement that you like!
Painting with Flowers _ Material Flat Lay _ Abbie Ulstad _ GGH
Painting with Flowers _ Flowers Dipped in Paint _ Abbie Ulstad _ GGH
Flower Painting _ Completed Painting with Materials _ Abbie Ulstad _ GGH
Flower Painting _ Completed Painting Being Held _ Abbie Ulstad _ GGH

Looking for another project to recycle an old bouquet? Check out this blog post on creating wax paper suncatchers. These botanical suncatchers use materials you probably already have in your kitchen!

Needing another spring painting project for kids? Check out this free lesson plan for garden paintings. This project pairs perfectly with a children’s book. As a family, we love reading this at the start of the gardening season.

Happy painting, friends!

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