Here are seven reasons to start your nature journaling practice today – plus a free printable journal page!
Nature journaling is a beautiful way to build connection to nature and communication skills.
Here are seven reasons to start nature journaling (plus a free printable nature journal worksheet).

- Nature journaling develops description skills. When you nature journal, you build your ability to describe your environment through images or words.
- Nature journaling develops communication skills. When you nature journal, you understand that art can be used to communicate experiences.
- Nature journaling helps you recognize patterns in nature. If you consistently engage in the practice of nature journaling, you will notice patterns in nature over time. You will become familiar with the signs of the seasons, or the movements of animals in your neighborhood.
- Nature journaling builds your relationship with nature. Relationships take time and effort to develop. By regularly spending time in nature and journaling about your experience, you will deepen your connection to nature.
- Nature journaling helps you slow down. Life moves along so quickly, and it takes intentionality to slow down. Nature journaling requires you to intentionally slow down and observe.
- Nature journaling develops observation skills. Drawing and writing about you see in nature requires you to look closely at things. You never know what you will notice!
- Nature journaling documents your adventures. What a beautiful way to keep record of a great day in nature! You will be able to keep track of which day you saw the first butterfly of the year, when you discovered the most vivid flower, when you hiked the tallest hill for a spectacular view.
Download your free printable journal page here to start nature journaling today!
Needing some drawing prompts to get started? Check out this printable art game for kids. This art challenge allows students differentiated options for artistic expression while promoting environmental awareness, connection, and gratitude for the world in which we live.
Wanting more nature journaling pages? The free download provided in this post is a sample of the pages in this Nature Journal Printable Worksheet Pack.